Lavender herb benefits


Lavender herb benefits

Benefits of using lavender

Lavender herb may interact with some types of medicines, causing some problems, and we mention among these medicines the following:

  • Chloral hydrate.
  • Antihypertensive drugs.
  • Barbiturates and benzodiazepines.
  • CNS depressants, sedative drugs.

Frequently asked questions about lavender

What are the uses of lavender herbs?

Lavender has many uses, as it is used as a flavoring in foods and beverages, [26] and lavender leaves and flowers are frequently used with salads, spices, fruit desserts, and jellies in the regions where they grow, Moreover, lavender is used as an ingredient Scented to add a sweet scent to soaps, cosmetics, perfumes, dried roses, and in flower and garden arrangements.

Is lavender good for women?

as we mentioned before; The lavender herb may be beneficial for women, and among the benefits that it may offer to women, in particular, we mention the following:

  • Reducing menstrual cramps
  • Reduce labor pain
  • Reducing menopausal symptoms.
  • Pain relief after cesarean delivery.

Lavender herb benefits

What are the permissible doses of lavender?

In the following, we mention the doses that were used in some experiments and studies for the following cases:

  • Anxiety relief: 80-160 mg of a specific lavender oil product has been used daily for 6-10 weeks, and 500 mg of dried lavender flowers have been used twice daily for 8 weeks.
  • Reducing depression: 80 mg of a specific lavender oil product has been used daily for 6 weeks, and 60 drops of the diluted lavender extract have been used daily for 4 weeks.

Lavender herb benefits

Lavender products are available

Lavender has many forms, including:

lavender oil

The extract of the flowering lavender plant is used in the production of lavender essential oil, and it should be noted that lavender oil should be used with caution, and should not be ingested.

As for its topical use, it is necessary to dilute any type of essential oil with a carrier oil, as it is possible to mix a few drops of lavender oil with one of the carrier oils before using it on the skin, such as coconut oil, or jojoba oil. It is also recommended to test a small area of ​​the skin to find out. How the skin interacts with diluted lavender oil, and undiluted lavender oil should never be used on the skin, as this can cause skin irritation and inflammation. Put it in an aroma diffuser.

Lavender Capsules & Supplements

Lavender can be purchased as a dietary supplement in capsule form and should be consumed as directed on the accompanying label. It should be noted that dietary supplements are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration,  and there are no standardized dosages for dietary supplements.

lavender tea

The lavender herb can be prepared for drinking, as it is considered a calming beverage, as it can help relieve anxiety and enhance the ability to sleep,  and it can be prepared by soaking ready-made lavender tea bags in hot water, or prepared from the same herb, by pouring one cup of Boil half a teaspoon of lavender buds in boiling water, and let it steep for a few minutes.

Lavender tea can be prepared by adding one or two teaspoons of the whole lavender herb in 235 milliliters of boiling water, and this tea is allowed to be drunk one to three times daily.

As mentioned previously, lavender has potential nervous system effects, so a caregiver should be consulted before using any form of lavender for people with heart disease, certain underlying health conditions, and people who take medications regularly.