Benefits of chia seeds


Benefits of chia seeds

There are many ways to prepare dishes containing chia seeds, such as soups, salads, baked goods, beverages, and as an alternative to eggs, they are crispy, thick and gel-textured, can be stored in black or white preservation bags, and never damage. Here are some ways to use them:

Chia seeds with water

Chia seeds have the ability to bind to the water molecules forming hydrogen bonds and this property is known as Hydrophilic, and its absorption of water is 12 times its weight when soaked with it, and it should be noted that the use of this property with chia seeds gives it a gel strength and thus a moisturizing effect of the skin, and it is important to drink sufficient amounts of water when eating chia seeds to avoid constipation.

Use and benefits of chia seed oil

Chia oil is one of the natural products used over the centuries to the present day in food, etc., and its chemical composition varies according to environmental conditions and how it is extracted, protein is 25%, carbohydrates 2%, and fats up to 32% including fatty acids Polyunsaturated, such as linolenic acid and linoleic acid, which is related to the inhibitory inhibition of functional dysfunctions of calcium and sodium channels, that may cause high blood pressure, improving the time between heartbeats, and reducing Risk of cardiac disorder.

Chia oil also contains a large number of natural antioxidant compounds, such as vitamin E, plant sterol, carotenoids, and polyphenols, which are associated with many benefits, such as reducing the risk of chronic diseases, such as cancer, heart attack, as well as reducing the risk of certain disorders, such as diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

Chia seeds adverse effects

Chia seeds Safety

Information on the safety of consumption of chia seeds during pregnancy and breastfeeding is insufficient, so it is recommended to avoid using them during this period.

Disadvantages of using chia seeds

Consumption of chia seeds by some people with health conditions can be associated with some of the following complications:

  • Significant rise in triglycerides level in the blood: The consumption of some types of chia seeds by some people who have a high level of triglycerides in the blood causes it to rise significantly, and in return, they can consume one of these seeds called Salba, a type that does not cause this significant increase in the level of triglycerides.
  • Risk of prostate cancer: Chia seeds contain alpha-linolenic acid in a large amount, and some research has suggested that consuming a large amount of this acid may increase the risk of prostate cancer, so it is recommended to avoid eating a large amount of chia seeds for people with prostate cancer, or who have a higher risk of developing it.
  • Swallowing problems: This health condition is rare, but may occur when eating chia seeds alone, so they should be mixed with foods or liquids, for example, when consumed by people with swallowing problems, and as mentioned earlier, children should not be given chia seeds alone.
  • Allergies to chia seeds: Although not common, some people may experience an allergic reaction after eating chia seeds, symptoms of this food allergy are vomiting, diarrhea, itching of the lips or tongue, and allergies may develop to cause so-called anaphylaxis, a condition that may threaten the life of the infected person and is also associated with certain symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, tightness of throat and chest, it should be noted that you should consult your doctor when allergy symptoms appear when eating chia seeds for the first time.

Common questions about chia seeds

What are the benefits of chia seeds for pregnant women?

It is not yet known if the use of chia seeds is safe during pregnancy, so it is recommended to avoid using them to stay on the safe side.

What are the benefits of chia seeds for breastfeeding?

There is not enough information about the use of chia seeds for breastfeeding women, so you should stay on the safe side and avoid using them.

What is chia butter and what are its benefits?

Chia butter is a type of fat extracted from chia seeds, has a solid texture at room temperature, has antioxidant, antibacterial and antifungal properties, and is rich in many nutrients beneficial to health, such as vitamin A and vitamin E, as well as some types of fat beneficial to the body.

Chia Seed Overview

Chia seeds are a species of the mint plant, produced from a plant called Salvia Hispanic, a plant that is grown as a food crop from about 3,500 BC, particularly in Colombia and Guatemala where it was the main crop in these two countries, and it should be noted that these seeds are consumed alone and used in many foods, such as bread, cereals, etc.